Accepted Workshops
The following tasks have been accepted for GermEval 2025:
- Understanding Sustainability Reports
With this shared task, we aim to fuel research on automatic analysis and detection of greenwashing by challenging participants to build systems that categorize excerpts from German sustainability reports for (A) content class and (B) statement verifiability rating. We also invite submission of original papers about analyzing sustainability texts with NLP and other aspects of sustainability and NLP. Papers should describe original, unpublished work and can be technical contributions of empirical or theoretical nature, literature surveys or opinion pieces. For more information, submission formats, and trial data please refer to the shared task homepage:
- Detecting Harmful Content on Social Media
Social media is not only a channel for the appropriate sharing of personal opinions and enriching discussions but also facilitates the dissemination of inappropriate and aggressive statements. Those are especially concerning when they actively incite harmful actions such as violence or attacks on the government. Against this background, this shared task specifically addresses three subtasks of harmful content detection on social media that have been mostly neglected in previous competitions and research projects: the detection of 1) calls to action, 2) attacks against the free democratic basic order and 3) violence-supporting statements
- Flausch-Erkennung
The task is to identify expressions of candy speech (“Flausch”) in online posts (YouTube comments). We define candy speech as an expression of positive attitudes in social media toward individuals or their output (videos, comments, etc.). The purpose of candy speech is to encourage, cheer up, support and empower others. It can be viewed as the counterpart to hate speech, as it also aims to influence the self-image of the target person or group, but in a positive way.
We offer the following two subtasks:
Subtask 1: Coarse-Grained Classification. The goal of this subtask is to identify whether the given comment contains candy speech (“Flausch”) or not.
Subtask 2: Fine-Grained Classification. The goal of this subtask is to identify the span of each candy speech expression in a given text and classify it in one of the predefined categories, such as “positive feedback”, “compliment”, “group membership” etc.
More details on the subtasks (including examples) can be found on the website of the shared task: