
We welcome the following types of paper submissions:

  • Long papers (8 pages plus references), describing original research with substantial new results.
  • Short papers (4 pages plus references), including small focused contributions, work in progress, as well as descriptions of projects, systems and resources.
  • Abstracts (1 page, non-archival). Abstracts can be presented at the poster session but will not be included in the conference proceedings. We especially invite submission on ongoing projects, student projects, past or ongoing bachelor and master theses, ongoing or recently completed PhD theses, and opinion pieces in this category to foster interaction and discussion in our community.

Papers can be submitted either to the main conference track or to the special track on application of Large Language Models focussing on the utilisation of LLMs and language-model approaches for the analysis and exploitation of textual resources in Linguistics, Computer Science, Information Science, the Humanities and the Social Sciences.

Papers must be formatted in accordance with the ACL style sheet. We strongly encourage authors to use LaTeX in preparing their document.

Papers must be submitted before May 3 HERE

Preparing your camera-ready version

  • Please, consider the comments in the reviews carefully
  • You are allowed to add at most one page of content to your paper in order to address issues raised in the reviews; see call for papers
  • There is no need to respond to reviews directly on OpenReview
  • Stick to the ACL stylesheet and make sure again that your paper has all the required components (abstract, limitations, ehtics, etc.)
  • Upload the camera-ready version of your paper as a Revision on OpenReview (button in the upper-right corner)

Submit your camera-ready paper by August 15th!

In addition, in order for your paper to be published as part of the conference proceedings you must sign the copyright form available here and send it to proceedings chair by July 15th!

Presentation information

Oral presentations will be 10 minutes for short papers and 15 minutes for long papers with 5 minutes in addition for discussion.

Poster sessions will take 60 minutes each. Poster sizes should be A0 (portrait) or A1 (portrait or landscape).

See Program page for information about your presentation’s format!